How to instantly improve your language performance

When I was a student I spent a semester at a university in Germany. There was a female student from Russia whose German was very good. I mean she knew the grammar well and knew a lot of words.

I also met a Russian guy there who didn't know the German grammar so well and didn't know so many words. But the difference between them was that Germans thought that this guy spoke German much better than that girl.

How come?

The girl was afraid of speaking German, of making mistakes or of being seen as stupid. But what she was afraid of actually happened to her.

The male student wasn't afraid of making mistakes and of being seen as stupid. In spite of all grammar and lexical mistakes he could always put across his ideas.

So your decision just to speak the language you learn despite all possible errors will greatly improve your language performance in front of native speakers. Such a decision will give a 50% advantage over those who know the language better but are afraid of using it.

That's how things happen: It's better to speak making mistakes than to stay silent without making any mistakes.


This blog is part of my decision to use English in spite of all possible mistakes.